After 2 years of working as a Linux admin, and over 6 years of using Linux as my only OS, I left my job, installed Windows and started a new, better paying and more perspective carrier as a .Net developer ... It's been 6 months, and I still miss the terminal ... I've been trying to get over it by using Babun and the Linux subsystem for Windows ... The thing is ... even though they are great, they are not as good as native stuff and the knowledge that it's not the real deal still haunts me :(

TL;DR: Left Linux 6 months ago ... still miss it to this day ... doubt I will ever get over it :( Feels bad guys

  • 12
    im very sorry for you 😞
  • 3
    @tamar Thank you , means a lot
  • 0
    Dotnetcore runs on windows. IDEs are shit compared to VS though... I'm actively trying to move my web servers to Linux away from windows and IIS
  • 0
    Neve heard of Babun before. Is it any good? It happens to me to switch between Linux and Windows and a good shell would be really useful. Already tried cmder.
  • 2
    Not using Linux is like losing a friend... Or a family member
  • 0
    @pily well it's fin IMO. Try it
  • 0
    What a mistake,
  • 0
    @nikolaandj ok, I'll do. Thanks
  • 0
    VM maybe ?
  • 0
    Try windows 10 bash.
  • 0
    Such sad story.
  • 0
    Use any console u like... I use daily
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    @QCat He uses that...read the post
  • 3
    The Linux subsystem is a native thing BTW.
  • 1
    @SHA-256 sorry my bad ;. ;
  • 2
    It's hard to stay away from the terminal running heavily configured zsh. Terminal is love. Terminal is life. oh and the goodness of tmux and the pleasure of running Vim. 😚😚
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    Solution: make a disk image file of your entire hard drive, install Linux on your machine, run the Windows disk image you made in a virtual machine on Linux.

  • 1
    What kind of .NET things do you do? I've been using .NET Core on Linux with pleasure (unless you need third-party libs), and if you miss VS Jetbrain's Rider seems like a nice alternative (haven't tried yet though). I hate having to dual-boot Windows just for games and a few apps 😫
  • 0
    It probably isn't as good as running stuff natively, but it does seem to work pretty well for simple applications.

    Besides that, you can just use the Linux subsystem.
  • 0
    @osmarks, @AlmightyBaka I mainly do WPF applications, so Mono won't cut it for me. I am using the subsystem, but still I miss the ability to just switch to a terminal TTY and just run terminal apps when the GUI crashes
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  • 2
    @sam21s you see better perspectives​ and higher pay say no more, MS-DOS is lyfe
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