Anyone not a fan of Material Design especially the ripple effect? If not a fan, please tell me why. If yes, please tell me why, too.

For me, I feel like there's too much animation going on and I agree to someone that said it's cognitively distracting and it kinda breaks my train of thought. Any thoughts you can share?

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    I like it but only when it is implemented correctly, truth is that it rarely is.
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    I like it. It's simple, it looks good and it is not that hardware intensive so it can also be used on older devices.
    Before material, all apps looks different and each app had their own ui. Meaning that a user couldn't expect to find something specific at location X. Now that a lot of people use the support libraries, as a user, you can always expect to find the main action at the bottom right or opening a drawer by just swiping.
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    Like the design itself because no more programmer pixel(?) arts. But no no to the animations. Tweak in dev options is highly recommended
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    @SirWindfield It also means everything looks the same which i don't think is a good thing...at all.
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    I like it, you always get somekind of feedback like ripple effect, you always know where something went and from where did it came from :)
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    I hate the ripple effect so I disable it when I use it. Too much stuff going on imo
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    @nblackburn well, personal opinions here. I for example prefer it. Makes the experience always the same.
    I mean, it's just a guideline, no one is forcing you to use it.
    And still, you can easily see if someone put great effort into making the UI or if someone just followed the basic style guides. There is a lot of room left for developers and designers to make their app look and feel different and to differentiate themselves from other apps.
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    @SirWindfield It's not a guide, it's a specification that enforces what gets used and where.

    Having every website look the same is like having all foods taste the same, dull and boring.

    And yes this is opinion, no hard feelings.
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    @nblackburn what? Those are guidelines. No one is forcing you to use them in your app. Yes, almost all adopted it. But Google won't take your app down if you use some other ui.
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    @SirWindfield You are miss understanding what i am saying. You don't have to use them no but if you do them you need to follow them otherwise what is the point.
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    @SirWindfield Also, you are aware Material is available on other platforms other than Android, right?
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    @nblackburn ah, no xD I missed that, sorry ^^
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    @SirWindfield No worries, in that case I agree all Android apps should use it.

    I was factoring more than just Android into my responses.
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