I love JS but I hate JS Frameworks. All of them, but react by passion. I used a bit vue with Laravel but meh... Angular i did not tried.

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    If you hate JS frameworks, don't try Angular. It's cool, but quite complex.
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    Try svelte, its the closest to vanilla.
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    @Levminer The closest to vanilla is vanilla.

    Why do JS-devs always want frameworks?
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    @happygimp0 thats the point. I never felt the need to use one but its so big hype. I know there are many people who use react and have no clue of JS, I have no idea how is this possible at all.
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    Luckily Angular isn't a JS framework. It's a TypeScript-based SPA framework!
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    @AlgoRythm Typescript - another abomination which solved a problem I don't have
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    React is the bees knees. Love it!
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