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Let's share what psychology tricks you used on your coworker when working for a team?

  • 4
    I will go first. Whenever your coworker yells at you , ask him / her whether they are good in a calm tone.
  • 11
    i don't use "psychology tricks", because i'm not a sociopath.
  • 1
    Exactly what @tosensei said.

    Though maybe you can call brutal honesty a psychological trick? I tend to use that to silence a whiny ass colleague in situations where I can’t just ignore the damn useless whining. Works every time.
  • 6
    @100110111 you could, but i disagree. to me "brutal honesty" is the absolute baseline of communication - the way it always should be - unless circumstances require a _touch_ of diplomacy.
  • 2
    @tosensei I agree. In this case I must underscore the brutality of my honesty heavily. Like, I go all out on the brutality part of what I say. Out of my way to formulate the message in the most brutal possible way. But sometimes it takes that to make a whiny ass bitch realise whatever they’re bitching about (usually about something that’s none of their gorramn business) is utterly pointless and should never have escaped their venomous breathing hole.
  • 6
    Set all meetings 30 minutes earlier to have a guy arrive at the right time (all other people knew the right time).
    This was to reduce waste of time without arguing.
    (But this is not exactly psychological)
  • 2
    Wait a bit after they ask a question. If they're diligent then you'll see the "nevermind figured it out" a few mins later. Now you want to help them if they need help and ask for it but I found some people just need a little bit of silence at first and they find their own answers and learn this way. If they're still stuck after a bit I'll help them out.
  • 0
    I was actually interested in this thread, but i had to downvote because all of those emojis
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