How do you deal with the thought of death? I don't want to die. I'm scared. I'm not in danger but just the thought of death disturbs me.

  • 3
    at one point, like every other living thing, you WILL die.

    accept it. don't be afraid of the inevitable.

    take it as reminder that your time here is precious, and stop worrying.

    (and the next-level-lesson is: take it as reminder that _everybodys_ time here is precious)
  • 4
    I will. You will. Everyone will die. We'll disappear off the face of this world. Our bodies will be consumed and transformed into building blocks for other bodies. MAYBE (just *maybe*) our consciousness will be moved somewhere else - at least that's what the religion suggests. But that's a maybe.

    I sure hope that the transition off this world will be quick and as painless as it gets. Your body is but a vessel for your mind, a tool even. But it can make the mind suffer if death is slow|&painful.

    You have x-ty years left here. Make them count. Enjoy your life. Life for yourself and not for others - do everything you can so that at the end of your life you can say "I've done all I wanted to do, experienced all I wanted to experience and had a hell of a good time here. It was a good life. I am good to go now".

    At least that's how I'm coping with the inevitable. And I think it makes sense. Perhaps it will for you too.
  • 0
    (also, there's always the futurama-way: https://youtube.com/watch/... )
  • 0
    It's the unevitable. For every living things. But look at the positive thing. At least you are born in a more peaceful era. I am forever grateful for that.

    Imagine if you are born in the dark age. Imagine if you are born just a decade before World War II.
  • 0
    @daniel-wu to be fair, we're on a brink of a WW3.

    These are the times when the West and the East are showing their muscles with direct threats. And most of the world is participating and picking sides.
  • 5
    @netikras "we're on a brink of a WW3."


    we're in the middle of a capitalist dystopia.

    world war won't happen, because it's not profitable.
  • 1
    @tosensei you are trying to think rationally. However, there's a reason why one has to learn how to invest in Russian stocks separately from learning how to invest in stocks in general. Because general/rational rules don't apply there.

    Умом Россию не понять
  • 2
    for me? Jesus 🤷🏼‍♀️
    I don't have a reason to be afraid of death. It might be sad that this chapter is over but a better one awaits me
  • 1
    @tosensei Also, war can be extremely profitable if correct investments are made. EXTREMELY. Stock crashes can be astronomically profitable too if handled properly.
  • 0
    @netikras yes... _regular war_ is profitable AF, that's mostly why it's still around. but world war is a different topic.

    because it's everywhere. war usually is only profitable if it's far away.
  • 5
    I think about Laravel existing and the prospect of death becomes so much more comfortable.
  • 2
    What is born dies. What is not born never dies. What are you? If only a body you will die. If something more than a body.....but the Zen teachers say to "die before you die so you don't have to.". You realize what dies and what does not die before death of the body.
  • 3
    Honestly? It would be a relief.
    I’m tired, boss.
  • 1
    Rationally, there is nothing to fear. If you believe a religion, acting in life as prescribed will guarantee you a good afterlife.

    And if you don't have a soul of some kind, you just cease to exist - which implies that you can't feel anything after death because you just don't exist anymore.

    So death really isn't anything to fear. The act of dieing on the other hand... It might be a gruesome slow death in agony and might feel like going on for eons. But most people just die a fast and sorta painless death. You could prepare yourself a quick death suicid kit just in case, zombicalypse happens and you get bitten...
  • 2
    i alternate between lookinng forward to it because it will free me from this bullsjit called existence, and being scared of it because of the possible risk of infinite reincarnation which would mean that not even death will free me from this bullshit called existence.
  • 0
    sometimes looking forward to it because i might get a chance to try again and fail less and actually have a life that i would be if not happy, then at least content to have.
  • 3
    I am hoping to travel the universe in a perpetual out of body experience. Seeing all the various peoples that exist. Who knows maybe I can see alternate dimensions. My experience here in this body and reality has led me to believe there is a lot more to reality than what I have seen and experienced. I want to see the inside of a star, the birth of a solar system, and follow comets around. I would like to watch my children and grandchildren grow old. To swim to the bottom of the sea. To gaze upon the Earth from the moon. No, I say, death is not the end, but the beginning.
  • 2
    @Root was that a green mile reference? That was a green mile reference.
  • 0
    I don't know man. It's just a part of life. It's sad but whatever. Honestly if I died right now I wouldn't think I wasted my life. I think I did good so far. But also I don't plan on dying anytime soon, fuck that, not until Im 80 at least
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    Whether I can buy the honky tonk Jesus explanation or Valhalla or reincarnation I keep in mind that all the things I've done overall mind you have caused me to suffer for not being a souless monster rather than live better by being one and that at the very least if there is a hereafter I should be judged fairly and probably well.

    Unless god is a pedophile
    Then I'm fucked
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