What do you all think about Bun?

  • 9
    Tasty with honey butter.
  • 4
    I'm stupid. I should've said the JS runtime. I meant the JS runtime.
  • 2
    @connormon I’m still with @root on this one 😅😂😂
  • 1
    @connormon No, it’s okay! We know what you meant from the tag. I just don’t have an opinion on it.
  • 4
    Another day, another framework. Expecting a random company expect to put this in their job description -> ”candidate MUST have 10 years of experience in developing apps with Bun framework "
  • 1
    @johnmelodyme Idk what you're talking about. I've already got 19 years in it before my 19th birthday!
  • 0
  • 0
    Haven't tried Bun. I like Deno . I don't like Node so much. So if Bun is new Node, I don't like Bun.
  • 2
    I really like that it has TCO. Every JS engine should have TCO. JS could still be a decent functional scripting language if the W3C committed to functional features.
  • 1
    Looks surprisingly fast but I'd probably still go with Deno. Or just not use JavaScript at all
  • 0
    Making me question the future of Deno, however Bun isn't funded- yet, haha
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