DevRant should add instant messaging. Anyone else agree with this or is this a dumb idea.

  • 15
    Bad idea. I already ignore my DMs from work.

    What makes you think I wouldn't do the same here?
  • 16
    Yeah, I don't like it either. For one, we already have a discord server, you can DM there and secondly, I think fast chats on social platforms just stir up shit. Imagine if jAsE started spamming you because bored. Then you'd need to get blocking involved and that's a whole new can of worms

    Id rather if we kept it slow and comfy
  • 6
    The inundation of spam that would create is reason alone not to do it.

    Or some kind of "only if I invite you to chat" basis rather then straight out PM's.

    Then again, this is devRant. We don't get features animoars 😔
  • 5
    Sure. I would enjoy 100's of questions in horrible English.
    Same happened when joined some dev groups on Facebook some time ago.
  • 4
  • 5
  • 5
    But where does the AI blockchain come into play?
  • 3
    We just vent out our frustration here, nothing more is required.
  • 1
    Yeah.. no thank you.
  • 4
    I prefer devRant as a forum platform, so no IM. If you're interested in public chat, we have Discord server:
  • 3
    No, but comments should live update and you should be able to see the log while typing, because right now fast-rolling conversations fall apart.
  • 1
    GitHub used to have messenger
    It was a good idea
    Noone joins GitHub but developers
    So far as spam bots are concerned my solution is to identify who is running them and send men in the night to shoot them in the head

    That way they don't just create another account

    From my perspective that kind of solution would nip alot of problems in the butt because what I'm seeing right now is the third time at least and I am wondering

    Are they creating another gen of fucked up freaks like them to cause decent people problems or killing them ?

    Or have they matched their birth against the natural mortality rate

    It breaks my heart
  • 1
    As long as there is an option to block all chat and DMs, it's fine with me
  • 0
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