
I'm still a little annoyed at the fact that GitHub started pushing us to name the first branch "main" instead of "master".

  • 11
    Mine's called senpai.
  • 12
    I call it stepbranch, i'm stuck on this feature.
  • 8
    My man, find better things to be pissed about
  • 6
    Yeah, it kinda goes against muscle memory IMO.

    I wouldn't be mad about it, but it's slightly distracting in an already confusing enough occupation.
  • 2
    My branch named are I think close to never main / master.

    E.g. release/x.y | development | ...

    Anything that makes sense.

    master never made sense as soon as versioning is integrated.

    main / master is just being lazy imho.

    I don't like the reason for renaming nevertheless.
  • 7
    They are changing “branch” to “offshoot” because slave masters often used branches to punish disobedience. You heard it here first folks.
  • 7
    @zemaitis “my man, find better things to be pissed about”. Box me you absolute mud shark I would decimate you. Go suck down a star bucks you weasel.
  • 2
    @whiskey0 My man, you are dealing with eastern european here, not a genz american. So most likely you would be knocked out and pissed your pants before even throwing your neckbeard punch ;)
  • 4
    @zemaitis My man. You’re dealing with an Australian here. Also you’re from Lithuania. Your economy is shit house mate 😂
  • 2
    @whiskey0 Is that supposed to be an insult? Oh crickey. Use your kangaroo brain for once: I am getting west salary and have such buying power that you have only in your dreams. Mate, go back to your rented apartment and wait until your parents die so you could actually own some real estate.
  • 2
    @zemaitis I might live in a country that has silly real estate prices. I might have a kangaroo brain.

    But you live in Lithuania.
  • 1
    @whiskey0 And you code in JavaScript mate.
  • 0
    Please let me clear some things here. Im not mad or anything ... Im slightly annoyed. And I only get annoyed when I initialize a new repo.
  • 1
    @Sid2006 *pokes you with a stick*

    Come on. Be mad. Be ranty. You know you want it...

    *Poke poke poke*
  • 1
    giit push origin ma<tab>

    ... Never felt a difference.
  • 1
    I'm still calling it master, I've been typing these git commands for so long now, it's not an easy habit to break.

    Also idgaf and their renaming thing is dumb, politically motivated bullshit. If there is really someone offended by a branch name, then we have bigger problems.
  • 0
    These are the most fun comments I've seen in awhile.
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