
Me when I started coding: I can get this done under an hour, I'll add tons of comments and write it beautifully without errors

Me now: Yeah I can probably write these 5 lines and have them ready in about a year or so

  • 4
    Yeah, and I'm starting to hate myself because of this... Why was I able to do so much and now... I feel tired and unwilling to do it...
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    @DRHAX34 true, but I believe that at first, we had the interest in learning etc and now we're like "I'll still get it done and paid so meh"
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    @RAZERZ uhm, nah, I'm not only doing it for the money. It's more like I'm really excited to do it and then........ I get instantaneously bored.
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    @DRHAX34 I only do some crap paid (I'm frickin 15 you can't expect me to get a job lol) like quick things but they aren't as quick anymore, probably school dragging my ass
  • 3
    I just believe that as you get more experienced you get more aware of the pitfalls you may encounter in any situation.

    Younger me thought that anything could be done in 2-3 days as long as I understood what my code needed to do, but ended up delivering in 15 days. This made me stressed the whole time, made the client think it was taking too long, and of course they were only will to pay a reasonable fee for 2-3 days of work as estimated.

    Now I know it will take 15 days, I tell the client it will need about 20, I am not stressed the whole time, the client is happy with 5 days early delivery and willing to pay for 15 days of work.
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    @tmux smart! Great tip on the 5 day extra thing.
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