
How to not lose your shit when someone disagrees with you ... Asking for a friend

  • 4
    Get rid of your ego, you're not always going to be right, dissenting opinions are a good thing.
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    perhaps there's something they see you don't. Hear them out. Listen to their reasoning and their line of thinking. "compare notes"
  • 3
    Accept that other people can't always see their own inferiority and your wisdom. Also they often have ego problems leading them to be afraid of greatness. You can't make them able to understand or accept the intricacies of reality like you do. They will never be as able as you.
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    When it happens to me, I just understand and let it go. People are different from each other, so the best is just to understand that they don't agree and move on.
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    @atheist this man speaks thuth.
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