
Two evolutionary traits that would've made us decent animals if we never got smart:
1. Running. On the African continent, there are hardly any animals that can outrun humans. Yes, cheetahs and whatnot are faster in a short run, but humans sweat and can cool down their bodies efficiently in a long run. Human can chase down pretty much anything. You can't run away from a human.
2. Throwing. Humans are the best throwers in the animal kingdom. Monkeys can throw too, but because of their long arms, they lose balance and can throw objects nowhere near as far and strong as humans.

  • 9
    Tool making meant javelins, which complimented the second trait very well. All three of these meant easier access to higher quality food, and therefore energy, which in turn allowed human brains to further evolve. Positive spiral.
  • 5
    3. Standing on two feet.
    Because humans relied on standing on two feet this enables us to see greater distance in the Savanah and kept our hands free to invent new tools
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    @Root if we're nerfed tomorrow, we'll probably survive
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    And then came TikTok and other bullshit media, and the already devolving humans spent all that energy doing dumb shit and their brains regressed into apes.

    Yeah, checks out.

    For real now, humankind most certainly wouldn't disappear if we were suddenly nerfed, but 80% of the population would go the way of the dodo if, say, a CME fried our power grids, considering most don't even know how to grow a tomato.
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    You need to be somewhat smart to know that you can outrun your prey in the long run. And being smart doesn't hurt when you try to hunt something by throwing either. I wouldn't say it's a coincidence that we have this combination of features today.
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    @electrineer the only thing it takes to run after your prey no matter what is hunger
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    @kiki I'd hunt prey witchu.

    But not in a sexual way.

    You seem kinda crazy, which is exactly the kind of vibe needed to take down large game prey.
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    @Wisecrack lmao deal 🤤
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    @kiki I'll get the atlatal.
    You get the firesticks.

    Actually I dont think TSA would allow a spear through airport security.

    We'll have to make some if we ever meet.
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    @Wisecrack reads like xkcd
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    @kiki Thats a high compliment to me.

    Always wanted to read like xkcd.
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    Yeah I was kind of surprised when I first heard that the theory that ancient humans could've jogged behind prey for days until we outlasted them, as we are better marathon runners due to our sweat system and some animals can't do marathons.

    Of course this arguably does require some level of smartness,above the average animal, to run a route past some water sources etc. But still.
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