
Scrum master is SAP of tech specialities: both are just useless status symbols.

  • 1
    Wrong tag. This is a proper rant :D
  • 0
    I like to violate both these rules, flagrantly.

    People are usually taken aback enough that they fuck up and answer when normally they might be mildly offended.
  • 3
    Scrum master feels a sugarcoated word for micromanagement lol
  • 1
    From what I know they usually work with multiple teams, so don't feel special thinking that they only come to your meetings.
  • 2
    The place I worked had an agile coach. Didn’t speak to him once. Last I heard he left the company because his services weren’t needed anymore
  • 1
    @red-knot what a sane company
  • 1
    usually they're in a thousand meetings everyday, trying to convince someone higher in the food chain the devs can't deliver anymore than was already agreed and figuring out how to prioritize the tasks in the queue. whenever i try to schedule a talk with any manager their planners are full
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