


  • 2
    I'm guessing you mean PASETO? Never heard of it. But sounds interesting
  • 2
    James Webb Telescope is great
  • 8
    well, after a quick read it seems that pasetos arguments boils down to "JWT is bad if you use it stupidly".

    which totally is completely and utterly impossible with paseto, of course.
  • 1
    This is all I can think of when I think of JWT these days.
  • 1
    I feel like people have been trying to “fix” jwt for a decade.
  • 0
    Did not know. I'm reading it here, and it looks pretty cool. I've been wanting to get rid of JWT for a long time.
  • 1
    What’s wrong with jwt?
  • 3
    I looked up Paseto, because I was afraid it was yet another web bullshit that will fuck me up with having to keep up with all of this absolute bullshit plethora of shit tech (until i compeltely switch to embedded, compiler or game development) and I was right:

    Paseto is everything you love about JOSE (JWT, JWE, JWS) without any of the many design deficits that plague the JOSE standards.

    I found that description 100% FUCKING HILARIOUS becausee I had never heard of it being described as JOSE standards, lmao Jose is a very mexican name and I fucking lost it.

    I fucking hate web technologies.
  • 2
    @Lensflare I exaggerated. I just think that JWT has a weak specification, making the possibility of mistakes in implementations high. It's good to see that there are new initiatives.
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