
Fun Fact: Did you know that ublock origin specifically hides the global store notice banner in WooCommerce by CSS? I found out tonight after fiddling with that shite for almost an hour.
Haha, fuck you.

  • 2
    Usual cosmetic filters work by CSS...
  • 0
    @iiii Sure; what I meant was, that it specifically targets the WooCommerce store notice and I can't see why it would do that.
  • 6
    @possum because someone added that rule to EasyList? 🤔
  • 4
    uBlock Origin's job literally is blocking crap like global notice banners because in almost all cases they just contain unneccessary compliance theater or blatant ads.
  • 0
    Uhm, I think you should test in more than two browsers, just in case you happen to work with WooCommerce or something of the sort :)
  • 2
    The biggest part of AdBlockers is just to set a bunch of known css-selectors for popups etc to display:none (As far as I know)

    Sometimes this can cause the site to become unusable (for instance if your popup is targeted by such a selector, but your no-scroll-popup-overlay-bg isn't... just end up with a site that is unscrollable)
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