Terraform: Automating the ways to make your job harder by making the problems for you. 😡


  • 6
    Terraform is awesome.

    That hill is pretty fucking crazy to climb though.

    Hang in there, it's totally worth it.
  • 1
    @sariel That's what I have been told. Just waiting for the day it makes a project easier rather than becoming "the" project. 🥲
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    @iSwimInTheC haven't used terraform myself but that is a wholesome article that applies to any infrastructure as code solution. Thanks!
  • 2
    I'm guessing you lack comparison because after trying AWS cloud formation or Azure ARM you couldn't possibly complain about Terraform
  • 1
    @PAKA cloud formation is the fucking WORST.

    I would rather use some obscure python package if terraform didn't exist.
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    @sariel why choose when you can have them both at the same time?
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    @hjk101 I mean... When you get down to it this is all terraform does, just in go.

    Difference is, that just does AWS. Terraform can do any cloud platform.

    But if terraform wasn't a thing, I would probably be using that.
  • 1
    @sariel I have used it because of an aws only setup. It's as good as it can be (cloud formation is the limiting factor here) and not an obscure but well maintained and documented library. It really helps to deduplicate, automate and provide context; depending on your Python skills. So if you are maintaining cloud formation templates by hand I can recommend it.

    I'm poking fun at it because it sounds to what would be your described he'll on paper.
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