
FUCK-WINDOWS-11! What crap! I got a gazillion CPUs, a shitload of memory and windows like:

”Don’t care! Gonna run slow and also not work at all…”

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    Try windows 10, it will drink up your 5gig data I can 2 days
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    Which part runs slow for you? File Explorer?
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    I dread using Windows 11. Boss wife asks me today what is the best laptop on the market for my son? I build software! I do not like laptops, I never have and never will because they are pieces of shit full fucking stop and to think that they come preinstalled with Windows 11 give me chills!
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    Linux is starting to get like this too however on my 8 gig shitty quad CPU comp fedora still runs fast as hell
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    @Noook I always wondered about the every other version thing. Dya think 11, 8, Vista could be public beta versions under the skin?
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    Try non-microsoft software. I've gotten win11 to run decently on my old lappy by using total commander, vlc, irfanview, OpenOffice, Firefox. Every time I replace a Microsoft app my startup time increases but my runtime performance improves.
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    It's almost as if they can't code for shit and improve their apps with preferential precaching.
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    In win10 I would turn off all bullshit, nothing is animated or transparent, my taskbar is bare but all status icons are shown, the start menu didn't have tiles and I disabled the ads. I made sure it doesn't have to think about anything, and it almost looked like an OS. In win11 I didn't bother, I assume a long series of updates with trivial fixes will break every simplification so I've chosen to defend only my default apps. Otherwise I try not to use this system much.
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    One of the things that bugs me most is knowing that no matter what I want, I’m essentially forced to use the most current Windows versions for my day to day operations because that’s what my users and customers use.

    And I know that one day they’ll turn on some kind of drm and I’ll be locked into using their substandard software to struggle through my workday. Or they’ll continue down the iOS wannabe interface and it will become as much of an unusable mess as macOS is.

    macOS is a usability nightmare that even after 24 months I couldn’t get anything done in. iOS is equally terrible.

    I use Linux for my work in a VM, but it lacks enough interoperability with a Windows domain that having it be the host is not worth the headache.
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    It’s still awful. Just…awful. So many things is just working…
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