
Ah, the forbidden capri sun that enables third-person view when you drink it (but only once)🤤

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    See! This is the reason we cannot have nice pings!
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    Can someone explain?
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    @Lensflare Battery expanding. Bad news.
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    @Lensflare people who came back from the clinical death often report seeing themselves from above, in third person
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    Heroic battery safety wrapping did its job - no oxygen, no flames.
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    @Oktokolo because it's an Apple battery. Shoot, wasted an opportunity to call this apple-flavoured capri-sun
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    @kiki Yep, definitely a wasted opportunity.

    But Apple isn't exactly known for explosive deals on hot products - so no surprise that their batteries don't really blow up either.
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    @dontbeevil Well, sitting on the damn thing definitely isn't considered using it right.

    Ballooning and getting somewhat hot definitely is expected and acceptable failure behavior. It just may not actually catch fire or explode. It would be safer to switch to LiFePo batteries - but customers probably don't want to miss the extra capacity per volume and weight of the standard Lithium-ion batteries. Overall, the shit is still orders of magnitude more safe than traffic - and most people have no choice than to daily engage in that...
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    @dontbeevil change your nickname to @dotherightthing
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    @dontbeevil Well, in the example _you_ chose it wasn't Apple's fault. Also keep in mind, that by using obviously weak or wrong arguments, you are in fact defending Apple - and i doubt, that that is what you actually want.

    I use Gentoo btw.
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