1. What paid software do you have installed in your PC [that you are actually paying for]?

2. What paid cracked software do you have installed in your PC [that you should be paying for, but aren't]?

And what are the prices?

  • 3
    1. IntelliJ suite [~180€/yr], YourKit profiler [~90€/yr]

    2. ~
  • 4
    Paid on main: Rider, PHPStorm.

    Paid on gaming: Windows 10 (Windows 7 license), Games (most from GOG, freebies from Epic, some directly from the devs or Steam).

    Cracked: None (anymore - i pirated games a lot but since buying them became affordable and convenient i just buy them).
  • 2
    Don't make me itemise every thing 😅

    Anything Adobe, cracked.

    MobaXterm, paid.

    Most other things fall into open source for the most part.

    Games, mixed - depends on if I want to pay for it or not 🤣
  • 2
    - GuitarPro (paid, maybe paid 70€)
    - I don't do crack anymore
    - A lot of free software. I wouldn't pay for most them, but maybe I'll buy some VSCode extension at some point.
  • 2
    On my personal computer (where I am the one paying for things) its Linqpad (€100) and a MS Office subscription (€8 i think/month), games and windows it self that came with the machine.

    I have no pirated software.
  • 2
    Damn, reading all the comments make me feel like a freeloader lol.

    To be fair though, I only play Rocket League and PUBG on Epic Games which I got for free.

    My company pays for a PHPStorm license. Any thing else I need is already free like VScode, Laragon, MySQL Workbench etc.
  • 3
    1: Goland, Steam games

    2: None, everything's open source
  • 2
    paid: jetbrains IDEs and a huge bunch of games

    not paid, but neither pirated: windows (got a bunch of licenses back from my uni days), capture one (came with my camera)

    pirated: nothing, because i'm not a poor student anymore
  • 1
    @fruitfcker I actually bought winrar because I like the RAR format, and the windows GUI is still the best out there
  • 2
    What's a PC?
  • 2

    Peripheral Conjunctivitis. Either that or a Personal Computer
  • 2
    @netikras or Piece of Crap when it does not work ;)
  • 2
    1. GitHub Copilot 80$ per year
  • 2
    1. Visual Studio professional
    2. Github copilot (student pack)
  • 1
    1: pianoteq.
    2: VMware/windows vm/very old games in windows vm
  • 2
    @joas have you checked out TuxGuitar? Maybe not quite all the bells and whistles as GP but it's good enough that I haven't felt the need for GP since I started using it years ago.
  • 1
    1. Work pays for a JetBrains dotUltimate license, but if they didn't I'd buy it for myself in a heartbeat.

    2. Windows (7 on desktop machine, 10 on laptop), macOS if you count hackintoshing (though I do have a beat up old MacBook laying around somewhere), DxO Optics Pro (or maybe it's called Photo Lab now? If I wasn't so inconsistent with my photography hobby I'd pay for this).
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