I accidentally posted a Photoshopped image of my boss in her teams channel. I deleted it immediately, but I believe she saw it briefly. She never mentioned it, but things have been awkward ever since.

  • 1
    Was is very disrespectful?
  • 15
    @horus so, so... It was a screen capture of meeting where she was yawning.I enlarged the yawn 😁
  • 1
    @bedawang at least something slightky harmless!
  • 0
    Instant karma
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    You have Photoshop installed? Which version do you use?
  • 2
    How is your relationship with her? My employees have trolled me like that, it is always a good laugh.

    Shitting on the boss every once in a while is good for morale, business is business, but a good manager knows how to take some levity into the workplace to not make it feel like a drag all the time.
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    Bring it up with her and apologize if you feel it might be offensive, maybe she doesn't appreciate the meme but will appreciate the apology, maybe she'll also laugh at the meme

    Worst case scenario, you just get fired!
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  • 1
    damn, you screwed up.
  • 1
    @bedawang that's funny. If I was she I'd be trying to get you back
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    Find a way to own it! Sucks to pretend it’s raining all the time
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