Man it always feels like i know nothing. Like when you don't know HTML it feels like you know nothing .
Then you learn js, backend, some database.
But you don't know react so fuck you you know nothing.

Then you learn react, but you don't know vite, next
So you know nothing.
this cycle never ends

  • 6
    I can understand what you're saying, I remember these feelings. But, as you learn more and more, it will get easier all the time to pick up something new. And also, you will realize you don't have to know everything. There is always different solutions to a problem and if this is for work, specialization is something many people do. If now you have time to learn a lot, try enjoying it, it will help you in the long run and realize that in the end you will not need to use it all
  • 5
    You keep going and reach a point where you find urself googling "How to iterate over an array"
  • 4
    TL;DR Learn how to Learn quickly.

    The basic concepts are similar between lang domains. Make sure you know these:
    Data langs, Hard typed langs, Soft typed langs, Shells.
    Then make sure you understand how each specific lang manages memory, and parallel execution.

    All the rest is just syntax...
  • 4
    with knowledge, just like with life: just embrace the nothingness.

    "you come from nothing, you go to nothing. what have you learned? nothing!"
  • 2
    I know the feeling. The trick is to nail down the core principals well enough that you can catch on to whatever else you need to relatively quickly (yes, some things will always be more difficult than others)
  • 3
    That feeling is normal when working in a bloated industry like IT. Frameworks and languages come and go. But the underlying foundations - the paradigms, principles and math - stay. If you are actually interested in software development, you will learn the foundations by doing your job, by thinking about or experimenting with them, or by watching or reading material about them.

    You will still know nothing - but it will be the nothing that matters.
  • 0
    Also you might not want to learn some things. For once, I don't want to learn js. That way I will never need to use it.
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