
I beg your pardon visual studio... Spaces... Fucking spaces... No no no no no no no

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    spaces > tabs
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    @dev0urer on the level of being shit, yes ;-)
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    @BigMacca101 forreal. Fuck spaces!
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    Coding standards dude. Spaces are widely used.
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    lel, spaces > tabs & tab button > spacebar
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    Soft tabs>hard tabs
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    Why are we still having this conversation? Use whatever the fuck you want people!! :)
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    @TomBombadill please for the love of collaboration do not do this I beg you
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    The only thing I hate about people using spaces is when they copy & paste code lines but don't mark the block correctly before copying so they leave 1-3 spaces left there so the new line they write there is by 1-2 spaces off the normal indentation.


    For the sake of clean, proper indented code, use tabs. Be a good coder.
    It even makes navigating with arrows much easier.
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    @qbasic16 wooooow hold up, no, nonononono, no!

    Use spaces, but just get a half decent editor that understands x amount of spaces equals a tab and tab your heart out.
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    Eh all my full stack peers make a strong argument. Soft tabs and any IDE worth it's salt will handle the experience.

    Arrow keys slow down your workflow, invest in yourself and unlock the power of vim text manipulation...you don't have to worry about navigating with arrows when you can jump to any charachter in the file without your hands leaving the home row.

    I recently made the switch now that I'm fully comfortable with the tools I've described...for me it's sublime with vim mode....but plain old vim + ctrl-P plugin for jumping to files/methods using fuzzy search is also great. Pretty sure notepad++ and most other IDEs let you do the same.

    Spaces are compatible with tabs, tabs have to be converted to spaces or they make git/other VCS trip out.

    Do your future self & current collaborters a favor and invest.
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    Try using tabs in yaml. Like ansible playbooks
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    @lukegv agreed, I think the spaces vs. tabs "holy war" is pointless nowadays and should be downgraded to "minor skirmish", at least as far as code formatting goes.

    A hard tab is simply compressing X spaces into a single character. We can say it's syntactic sugar. It makes things sweeter to use, but it can be broken down to its fundamental construct outside of the "presentation layer". Hence, use whatever you want, as long as it can be stored as spaces in the end.

    Soft tabs are, to me, the best of both worlds, with the sugary experience and standardized internal representation simultaneously.
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