
Microsoft be like :
"Oh, you're moving away from your computer for a while with all this stuff open? It would a shame if some were to.. UPDATE it!"

It asks with a pop up, and if you don't answer it, it thinks "Oh, you're not telling me if I should update now or not, but I think you probably want me to update. UPDATE!"

For me, if I keep ignoring the update, it starts to create problems for me out of nowhere. It starts to lag and then the task manager starts to lag. EVERYTHING IS NOT RESPONDING.
When I finally update it, it acts like there were no issues at all. Everything is fine..

Even with Xbox, if it wants to update, it doesn't let you go online until you do. If it loses connection mid-update for some reason, it begins the update again from the friggin START. All that time updating gone to waste. Recently, I'm having a lot of issues with it. It doesn't let me sign in a lot of times. "We couldn't sign you in" for some reason. It JUST CAN'T. If you have a slow internet connection, you can't play any game at all. I contacted Microsoft Support about that issue and they concluded that it was all because of the slow internet connection and there were no issues on their end and they told me to GIT GOOD (Not exactly those words). If it does sign you in, it kicks you out mid-game for some reason with the evil pop up saying "Bye User_Name". The game says that YOU signed out (Dumb game, doesn't understand Microsoft shenanigans) and returns you to the main menu. If your game didn't save, well, GOOD luck to you!
Everything takes forever to load, if it decides it's not gonna load, it gives me a really helpful error saying "Something went wrong".
Maybe it's just me, it just hates me particularly. It makes me think that Microsoft intentionally acts like a douche just to get attention..

(In the end I think, maybe, this all is not a big deal if you surrender and accept Microsoft as your overlord)

I tried a few ways to stop Windows from updating automatically, but nothing worked (Maybe, I should try again).

Maybe I should dual boot Linux, but that brings a whole new set of things that I'd have to deal with, doesn't it?


  • 13
    You should try Linux. You will enjoy the freedom. And it is not as difficult as many people like to portray it. You should, however, be prepared to have some of your assumptions about how computers work challenged.
  • 2
    It can be annoying but it's super useful for older people. Avoids the situation where their computer is 3y out of date.
    Tho it should be configurable for sure
  • 2
    Think i set it so pc does not go to sleep for many hours which does not allow it to assume i am not doing shit. Only ever had it do an update once and i was away from pc for a day so that was good.
  • 5
    @dontbeevil Did you actually read the whole rant? Because then you would see the reason for the Linux suggestion.
  • 0
    "I'll ignore all updates. Such a pain.
    Wild wannacry appears.
    Oh my god, windows i garbage, so insecure."
    Just update once in a while. Don't tell me you don't have an spare hour once a week. And set activa hours, it won't bug you. Ffs
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