Hello bronchitis, my old friend
I've come to cough with you again

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    at least ur finga is getting better?
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    @We3D yupp, got some nail
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    2xAlbuterol inhaler.
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    @mansur85 I will herb you SO hard with the proteins SO strong, that all the spambotism in dR will anihilate with adbotism and we'll all live happy lives
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    Always find it disgustingly fascinating how much the body can produce and how close it comes to super glue.
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    @bols59 huffin dat jet.

    time dilation intensifies.
  • 3
    Omg so sorry for you
    Get well soon
    I had three pneumonias, first when one year old (almost died), then in kindergarten, then in 5th grade
    It’s tough
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