
Tech lead is getting on my friggin nerves. The tech lead keeps all the important info about the project for himself, does no sort of coding just merges stuff on Git and makes me handle any small fry problems which give me little to no insight into the project.
Then complains to the manager about the fact that nobody will help him and he has no time to do any work.
Meanwhile he creates own little club of people to talk to and stops talking to us devs.
Is this how its always been?

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    I know such guys...

    I guess they r just protecting their hard earned place in the company ( say they've been 5+ yrs there and they've seen some real shit in order to bring the project where it is )

    ... or dunno, might be smth else, I'm not one of the guys who will start messing with them to figure what's in their mind ( or maybe a little, I'm curious too ), and given the time can reverse engineer almost anything, plus I'm used to work with insufficient data ( they will either way say what's not how they wanted it )...

    it is what it is ;)
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    @We3D it is what it is. how many of these ladder stealers after they climb do I have to encounter?
    Already been 5 years in the field myself and this kind of guy is everywhere
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    @gitstashio can't tell, but if you target your attention to startups which are just beginning their product you can avoid that scenario by actively building it with the others and if/when you get to the same position yrs later try to remember how to not react to the fresh and noob guys trying to figure why the product is looking the way it is... ;}
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    to be fair, a tech lead is not supposed to code on the project. It's literally not their job. However, all the other stuff is concerning indeed.

    At the end of the day a tech lead is the person who is supposed to talk a lot to the dev teams funnily enough.
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    @thebiochemic so what is a tech lead that codes then?
    Also how do you still get jobs as a tech lead if you don't code?
    Doesn't one need to keep up with the latest stuff in order for his code to work in the interview?
    Is tech lead just a way of saying I can explain it but I can't code it?
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    @gitstashio a tech lead can code on a managed project, but that would be inefficient in terms of usage of personal. It makes way more sense as a tech lead to manage multiple projects, stay ontop of cutting edge tech (or in general new tech of the companies focus), and delegate tasks. In the worst case the tech lead is resolving conflicts, and helping out devs when they are stuck.

    Again, the tech leads job is not to code. A TL is Supervisor for dev teams, makes the calls on used tech and is mostly responsible for the software's architecture.

    However, if the TL is coding small projects on their own to stay ontop of new Tech, that's another story.
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    > Is this how its always been?

    you mean human small-group politics?

    Most of in-group behavior, clubs, etc, is really just gang psychology at its most basic level.

    And you're either in the gang or you're not.
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