
Fuck Apple sideways! (Wait for it, the original part begins)

HOW can a company that keeps on boasting about UX, to the point that last WDC they took more time speaking about a fucking kaleidoscope animation for their watch then about the whole changes to their MacBook's hardware, even consider putting that turd of a remote on market.

If you have an Apple Store in reach, I invite you to get up, flush, and go there. Try that atrocity that is the AppleTV, and laugh at how incredibly bad it is. Then do your best to refrain from burning the place down in your inevitable rage, that might cause you legal issues.

The previous AppleTV was fine, it was practically useless, but usable. But for some reason they decided a touchpad with low precision and no gestures was a good idea to put on a remote to a thing that will, due to its target audience, most likely be plugged into a fancy TV that has a 300ms lag due to fancy image processing. That thing gives no feedback, appart from visual, has so little precision that in a movie, the smallest step I've achieved was 5 fucking minutes, while being really fucking careful not to spoil the movie.

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    I already saw what shit that remote is indeed, and I obviously didn't use it enough to rage like you did, but it did piss me off as well 😅😭🙄
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    @chilledfrogs the most frustrating part is that the old remote was fine, and that they could have massively improved it simply by adding the ipod's scroll wheel on it, which we all know to be great because it allows infinite scrolling with little movement and great precision. But nooooo, why would you make something great out of one of your best previous findings when your consumer base will gladly eat any turd you shit.
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    I agree the precision leaves a bit to be desired, but you can do 30 second steps by clicking on the left and right side edges
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    @JonStodle ooooh nice tip. I wish the company that keeps on saying that manuals shouldn't be needed would have told me that was a thing. Not sure if I'm not more pissed at this trash than before... But I'm honestly thankful
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    Yeah, i stumbled upon it by accident. Shouldn't have to be that way
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    @JonStodle just tested it, works on Netflix, but not molotov :(
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    Tested one and I didn't like it, but I thought that it maybe just was not for me (and I was being a bias prick). The latter might be true, but at least I am not the only one.

    To reference the movie Blade:

    *sees random Apple TV box thrown into the room - "Fuck me"
    *Apple TV UX comes into play - "Fuck me sideways"
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