
Got a call from a recruiter today. (Keep in mind that using WhatsApp is about a requirement over here.)

R: so can I app you (I hate that word to the fucking point) with further details?
Me: *oh fuck this is gonna get me fucked again* uhm I don't use it so yah...
R: ohhh okay, security reasons?
Me: *slight relief* yes indeed, sir
R: oh fair enough, you can always just text and call me!

*very relieved feeling*

It's for either a cyber security or linux job by the way.

  • 7
    My friends and family are very dependent on WhatsApp 😫 so I can't stop using it.
  • 4
    @mrtnrdl telegram? Signal? Anyone?
  • 7
    @DjSall fuck telegram imo but Signal all the way! @mrtnrdl yup I use it with my whole fam. 😊 @iihirotoii I just said fuck it and quit WhatsApp and installed Signal. Not sure if it'd work for you though 😅
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    @linuxxx why fuck telegram?
  • 1
    yeah, whats the matter with telegram?

    also im getting closer to where you live, be more secure dammit
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    @linuxxx I tried and failed 😫. No one uses telegram here, and people don't know about signal either.
  • 3
    Luckily a lot of people around me use threema. It is less known but privacywise one of the better choices.
  • 4
    @BindView @DjSall Fuck telegram imo because for one, they save way more metadata than required, have had numerous metadata leaks exposed and according to a crypto researcher (just one of the many examples) their crypto is like being stabbed in the eye with a fork!

    I'll take two Signals, please :P
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    @blancobloc Tbh even though I consider it a better alternative than WhatsApp, it's still closed and the golden crypto rule is: don't trust closed source crypto!
  • 2
    @linuxxx true, but I like the concept of meeting someone in Person and scanning their key, so the key does not have to be transfered electronically
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    @blancobloc Fair enough! Whatsapp/telegram/Signal have that option as well though :).
  • 3
    @linuxxx thx, did not know. Signal it is then :)
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    @blancobloc Let me confirm that by the way 😓
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    @blancobloc I've never used it but it seems to be a feature yes, can't confirm it though but I know the option has been there at least and it would be stupid to cut out really :)
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    @linuxxx isn't the scanning function on Whatsapp used to verify that you're talking to the right person, i.e. the whatsapp contact is who he says he is?
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    @Rocket3G As far as I know it also does public key verification
  • 3
    Whatsapp makes me crazy. Every time I see it I'm wondering why I haven't deleted it and then I remember there is this one school group that i cant leave 😖
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    If you wanna be safe, use Threema (created and owned by a Swiss company, they implemented E2E encryption before it was cool). 😉
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    I can't simply fully stop using WhatsApp either, but it has no useless permissions enabled.
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    @bcye in my case, everyone is on WhatsApp
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    @cyberwalk3r yeah but in my case I can text most of them SMS but there are 3 groups I can't leave...
  • 1
    @cyberwalk3r yeah but in my case I can text most of them SMS but there are 3 groups I can't leave...
  • 1
    @cyberwalk3r yeah but in my case I can text most of them SMS but there are 3 groups I can't leave...
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    Hope everything goes well for you @linuxxx tell them to just give you all their money right up front, let them know how much they need your mastered skills.
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    @PonySlaystation I like the app but since its not open source it's a no go for me (not due to the principle but we've seen it go very wrong with closed source crypto before so yah) :) (and no not trying to convert anyone)
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    What's app with you?
  • 1
    @nblackburn what do you mean? 😅
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    @linuxxx I was messing with you 😝
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