All my enemies drink cum smoothies and make Wordpress sites

  • 4
    That's nothing. All my enemies drink horse cum smoothies and make Joomla sites
  • 3
    How do you get enemies?
  • 4
    @horus hey fuckwad, your design is so modern, win 3.1 would be in awe.
  • 6
    Drinking cum smoothies are maybe alright, but you shouldn't carry so much hate towards someone that you wish them building Wordpress sites for a living.

    It crosses a line imo.
  • 1
    @IntrusionCM i dunno that makes a pissed of person at best, but an enemy?
  • 2
    @horus I know... A lot ... Of people who would be enemies after that insult.

    You seem like a very balanced person. XD
  • 1
    @horus bashing someone's naming in vars in 3rd round of review. But I don't think WordPress 'developers' have a review process

    @fruitfcker don't give it to your friend. It's a gateway drug. Once you pop, you can't stop
  • 1
    @IntrusionCM i am not. I rage quite a lot at ppl. But even this way i can not manage to gain some enemies. Maybe I should stop apologizing afterwards.
  • 0
    @horus that might explain it. XD
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