How do you force yourself to work at night?

No matter how much I try my body is stronger than my brain. I can't keep my eyes focused after 00:00 and I have to sleep. I know people who stay up and keep developing in all-nighter.

How do you this?

  • 4
    Why do you want to do this? If you're tired, you should sleep. Besides, the code you write when really tired is gonna be bad code.
  • 5
    u dont force yourself, you slowly alter your body clock. sleeping late and waking up late until u become half nocturnal so u can code in the middle of the night
  • 4
    If your concentration on coding is best in the middle of the day, don't fuck up your sleep schedule because people say "I was so productive last night, bla bla, coding all night is bestest, bla."
    It's not about forcing one self. (When I follow my sleep rhythm I end up being awake from around 10am to 3am.)
  • 0
    @Olverine @nin0x03

    I work in a non dev job full time, and my only free time for dev work is at night
  • 3
    You sound like a morning person, which is fine. The rest of us are night owls. Asking us how we can stay up past midnight is like us asking you how you can be up before noon without wanting to die.
  • 0
    I'm not really a morning person, I always have difficulties waking up.

    I thrive in 13:30-20:00
  • 0
    Don't we all...
  • 4
    Don't try it, it's a curse, not a skill.

    Find your peak productive hours during the day, and use them.
  • 0
    But I can't use them because I have a job. I can't work on self projects during work hours.
  • 1
    @clovisIrex Well... call them "innovation courses", and charge your boss $2k for 10 "weekly lessons" 😂
  • 0
    Maybe I could do that if I had a dev job. Too bad I work as a sysadmin
  • 0
    My last job was at a big corporation. Being a night owl shouldn't have helped, but all the fucking daytime meetings meant we only got to work after marketing and sales went home. 😂
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