
I have to write my IoT coursework in an Ubuntu VM running on Linux 3.2. VBox Guest Additions doesn't support this Ubuntu version, neither does anything else. Contiki, the operating system we're coding for has been abandoned for many years, the devs moved to a new project called Contiki NG. If I try to compile with any standard above ANSI C it fails with cryptic errors deep inside the OS. The docs for the old Contiki are paginated with JS so I can't use the browser's fulltext search, but they also don't have proper bulitin search.

This cannot be legal. They are violating every accessibility guideline in existence. I just need the text to be slightly larger and even I have to go through hell. I imagine blind, deaf or dyslexic students just give up.

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    I borrowed a coursemate's code because I'm very short on time and the environment makes everything much slower than necessary. They sent me a 4 page PDF with syntax highlighting and line numbers, but where whitespace has been converted to textbox positioning.

    I have died, I am in hell. I just want to know what sins I committed that warrated this punishment.
  • 3
    Sounds like the course is horse shit.

    I'd say fuck the lemons and bale.
  • 0
    somewhere there is like a blind deaf john carmack

    that gave up along the way, just waiting to be discovered..

    probably beating off, because you know hes deaf and blind and won't see you coming.

    but don't worry, *you will see him coming*, from a *mile* away.

    Jesus christ this is what I post this late at night.

    Just think you, *he* is the lucky one. You got stuck on an abandoned linux vbox with basically no documentation to speak of.
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