Samsung will release a foldable smartphone in 2018 whats your opinion on it?

  • 1
    I'd it if it's not tacky. Would be good for watching stuff without having to carry a gigantic device around.
  • 0
    It looks kinda akward to use.
  • 0
    @theuser that's why I'd say, in five years maybe.
  • 4
    Back to flip phone days
  • 0
    Depends on usability and price but if it's reasonable enough I'll get it as a collectible at least.
  • 1
    My first think: can I install lineageos on it?
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    Doesn't look like a phone to me
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    i like it... but the real question is... can it have more cowbell ? 😊
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    think samsung's one upping apple yet again
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    Flip phones 2.0
  • 1
    How foldable is foldable?

    If I can make an origami crane out of it, unfold it, and still have it work 100% then I'd be impressed, but I don't think that's what they're talking about.
  • 1
    No more broken phones when they drop
  • 0
    Still better than the iPhone X
  • 4
    Stupid and useless until Apple does the same in 2021, at which point it will be game changing.
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    *throws wallet at screen*

    That's what I think of it.

    10" screen in a 5" form factor... brilliant!
  • 0
    It's a cool concept but how practical is it? For it to be foldable the size of the screen would have to be significant enough to be worth folding so would you not just be better off with a small tablet as you could get a slightly larger screen?

    Obviously we can't judge it too much because it doesn't exist yet but I can't see many benefits of it other than making tarts redundant, maybe have it fold backwards so that it is easier to make a call on and have it unfolded as a video watching or gaming mode. I'm not really for or against it, if they make it worth while and useful and not just a gimmick then yea I like the idea.
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