
This is what a real yandere gf looks like. You _don’t_ want her in your life. Trust me.

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    Alyssa Bustamante
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    I can fix her
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    I had to look up yandere. I still don't understand.
  • 4
    @azuredivay dear lord. Certain traits are unfixable beyond 30
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    I don't get it
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    Talking about crazy bitches, she's my big example. Amy Carlson. Former leader of love has won. She ended up as a mummy btw
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    @mansur85 at least she agrees with you that murder is an option
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    @mansur85 it's a preference to a convo we had while ago where I said that every murder is wrong but you defended it by refering to contents of the koran. You're great at telling stories
  • 4
    Dem canines tho
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    @hardCoding are you seriously talking about dem tiddies? Coding is not the only thing hard I guess
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    @kiki, you like to listen true crime? In that case I recommend the toolbox killers. Sick sick sick. There's one more that's even worse but i should look up the name
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