
I just realized something about religion. No one has ever thought or asked this before

If satan and his demons are busy burning in hell and suffering in eternal torment.... Then how come there is so much evil in this world on this planet? How come satan and the evil forces are literally ruling the entire planet? Shouldnt they be busy in hell burning in fire, you know, some place far away from earth? How are they here? Does this mean they escaped hell? Or does this mean hell isn't in fact permanent and they get released from hell after X amount of time? Or what seems to be the problem here?

The more i question stuff as a christian the more i bump into conflicts. The logic is flawed. Its literally impossible to combine faith logic and science together

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    Satan is the god of this world. Remember when Jesus was tempted? He was offered everything of all the kingdoms of Earth. For whatever reason Satan has been loosed on this Earth. His time is limited and he knows it.
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    @Demolishun if satan is the god of this world doesnt that mean we're all in hell?
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    Heaven and hell are both on earth. Experienced both
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    > "I just realized something about religion"

    Good discussion topic for facebook or a sub reddit, not devrant.
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    @PaperTrail mind your own fucking business then.
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    @b2plane I question that all the time.
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    When applying basic scientific principles religion falls short. There is no rational reason to believe in the supranatural
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    The "I'm so smart, I sure ask what no one has asked before" kind of question is usually the one that was answered a myriad of times.

    In this case it's the theodicy problem, just with a different spin.

    The term goes back to Leibniz, who not only had a strong scientific background, but was also very religious.

    (Just adding that cause the "science and religion does not mix" is ... bogus).

    I won't go further cause I don't wanna feed the trolls too much...

    But no. It doesn't contradict itself, it is just a matter of perspective.
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    @Tonnoman the only reason i still believe in God and remain a christian is because i think we as humans will never be intelligent enough to understand why and how God really exists.

    In 1800s people thought the planet was a giant floating turtle

    In 1900s people never thought we'd go into space

    In 1960s people said we would never be able to have a computer small enough to hold it in our pockets

    Etc. As we evolve we keep discovering new shit that has always existed, we just have not yet discovered it. As we became more intelligent so have more "impossible" stuff became possible. If you follow this pattern it would probably take infinite amount of time until we become intelligent enough to discover the proof of the existence of God => therefore God must exist, and this is where having faith makes sense
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    Religion is an ancient tool for running a society of naturally selfish and brutal beings in a harsh world that requires teamwork for survival. It also gives false but convenient answers to existantial questions that actually have no real answers and fulfils the desire for faith and/or a higher purpose of life.

    For people who desire faith, it doesn't matter that it logically makes no sense because they want to believe. If you don't have that desire and use science to answer your questions, you don't benefit from religion and trying to believe makes no sense.
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    @IntrusionCM when I started reading the Catechism I was a bit taken back when it starts with a series of thought experiments. Really interesting.
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    You didn't realise something about "religion". You just noticed a structural inconsistency of one specific religion. Countless others don't have that issue.
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    @retoor heroin is a helluva drug!
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    @theKarlisK hes evolving!
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    Christianity also claims that God's mercy is infinite, so therefore hell simply would be empty.
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    Traditional Christian belief says that the "burning in hell" thing is Satan's ultimate fate after the second coming of Christ, not where he resides presently - so this doesn't really hold.
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    @CoreFusionX hell is a separation from God. It is a place where absolutely no good resides. Just like under water is a place where no oxygen exists. Or like space is a place where no gravity exists
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    @AlmondSauce what? So where is satan right now? Chilling on earth ruling the planet and causing destruction?
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    You are aware water is made of oxygen and hydrogen and that gravity is an universal force that very much exists in space too, right?
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    @b2plane Some would say yes. Others would use various verses in Revelation to argue he's actually still in heaven. Plenty online if you want to have a look - but my major point is the belief of Satan residing in hell now is a rather unconventional one. It's not just that no-one has ever thought of that scenario before.
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    How can you not realize, where you are already?

    It isn't hard, just take a look at the world and the things that happen in it.
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    @b2plane your conclusion as to why God exist would actually suggest the opposite. Your line of reasoning starts with the assumption god exists. What you can say at best is we can't say god doesn't exist. But, in science you never start any research with the assumption it is true.

    In fact, I'd argue the opposite conclusion is true. We've always used god as a means of explaining that which we don't understand. Natural phenomena, the solar system and stars, etc. But as science advanced we always realized that for all these things there's actually a rational explaination. And as such, god has been needed less and less to explain the universe as our understanding improved. Therefore it is logical the final conclusion to our discovery of the universe would in fact be that God does not exist.

    But science can never say for certain that god does not exist. Even if we were to have a perfect, 100% complete understanding of the universe, because one can always say god stands outside of it
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    @Tonnoman I like you
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    @retoor ur cheating on me
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    @b2plane I know that it turns you on
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    You were sitting quite a lot on that brown throne while you pondered this, weren't you?
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