
That i will never get out of the corporate slave bullshit minimum wage matrix rat race salary as a dev because no one respects devs in serbia you get fat shitted on and used like a dumb underpaid slave


  • 4
    When I was ten year old I met a kid with a serb dad and a ukrainian mother.

    His dad owned a (deactivated) RPG.

    Serbs are fucking awesome.

    Whats $3.75/hour translate to in terms of living standards in serbia?
  • 3
    @Wisecrack due to inflation the food became more expensive than any other additional stuff such as barbers cosmetics coffee shops restaurants pharmacy etc. So this salary is enough just for survival until i can get another 600$ a month to survive another month. Is it moral to be having a salary for SURVIVAL by working a very difficult software engineering backend job?
  • 3
    You seem to have good English, I bet you can get a remote job elsewhere in Europe, or just move out
  • 1
    @nururururu i apply for dev job not english teachings and literature shitjob and although everyone compliments me for knowing english perfectly no one really gives a shit as its not an important condition to hire me while the other part is political problems because serbia is a shithole country thats not in European Union i dont have visa to travel around europe, literally almost had a job to work for poland company but it got denied because the client doesnt wanna fuck around with devs who dont have visa and may not be able to travel past the border, our politicians completely gangfucked this trashhole country to dust

    Success is literally a product of luck. I am born in a shithole country and immediately in disadvantage compared to someone born in america for example. This is not my fault, not my problem and i have no power to control this shit = therefore we can conclude success means being lucky
  • 1
    @b2plane I live in South America, and believe me, it's not very good here, but there's plenty of people from here being hired in Europe or the US
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