
Why is the navigation bar, and other UI elements in, I wanna say Mandarin?

  • 5
    the chinese bots have taken over 😔.
  • 5
    I must admit, the symbols look very cool!
  • 6
    @joewilliams007 you should consider adding that "feature" to your android devrant app :)
  • 3
    Because you are squinting too much.
  • 0
    @nbvmkrzrcnfohy "edgy" humor stopped being funny a decade ago dude.
  • 3
    Apparently, this happens if you use 16-bit encoding in your text and you lose a byte so the alignment is off. Not entirely sure how that effects icons like this, but that's at least one way how text can turn Chinese.
  • 1
    It's a bug in DevRant App for sure.

    It seems like the wrong font gets chosen at startup, kinda like a race condition / fallback thing.

    If you close the app and restart, everything's fine usually.

    Mostly happens (thus my guess regarding race condition) when the dev is slow to start up
  • 4
    Byte order mismatch. These particular Chinese characters have all-zero lower bytes so if you flip the endianness of normal English text it does that.
  • 3
    Also happens if a byte gets lost in UTF16, but errors in transit are vastly less likely than errors in interpretation so I say it's endianness.
  • 1
    On the other hand, the symbols are supposed to be in the private use area of Unicode so that's a riddle.
  • 2
    @lorentz endianness is another option but I couldn't figure how it could happen only sometimes. Everything is possible, I suppose.
  • 1
    @electrineer A library needs to be imperatively configured to follow a particular byte order. Android provides multiple distinct entry points to an app corresponding to different combinations of available vs empty/lost states of data and parameters. Some of these fail to initialize the library.
  • 1
    C# loves imperative initialization, often mislabeled as a builder. I imagine Java does too.
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