
Been a while since I used Android Studio, the moment I hit build my laptop looks like its about to fly away, fans spinning so damn fast :\

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    Wtf? Would you want it to not use all available cpu power when compiling?

    If you don't like the cooling system on your laptop, you should've bought a different one.
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    @electrineer Because this isn't something I experienced with Visual Studio & XCode, not even back in the days when I did android kernel tweaking and compiling ... Compiling android apps feels like I'm building an atom soo much processing power is required
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    @gitpush that kinda hints at it being better optimised for using cpu resources, i.e. less waiting, more doing.

    Unless what it's doing is not necessary, of course.
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    Actually, you should blame Gradle for that, not Android studio (which, even if bloated like all intellij stuff) is not that resource hungry.

    It's made worse by the fact that default configurations seem to spawn multiple Gradle daemons with a very low memory limit, meaning they start paging like madmen.
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    @electrineer just what @CoreFusionX said, it isn't a pleasant experience building Android apps unfortunately
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    I am using android studio and visual studio code for flutter development.
    When I run code on android studio my laptop become purple and yelling "I can't continue, just let me die" 😂😂😂
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