
Maybe it's just me, but taking dev work from a little side gig to a salaried career is more difficult than I thought it'd be. Soooo many applications going out with nothing back, recruiters ghosting...maybe it's just a bad time for jobs in general but good lord is it exhausting and stressing me the hell out.

  • 6
    Proper rant right off the bat. Always remember, that your first ++ came from me.

    *Hold my hand out*


    *disappears into the sunset dramatically*
  • 3
    Getting the first job is always the most difficult but it gets easier from there. You can do it!
  • 6
    Proper rant straight of the bat. Always remember, that your first -- came from me.

    I'm a bully
  • 1
    The good news is, you only have to break into the industry once!
  • 1
  • 0
    Hey mate make sure to have your CV short but full with projects.
    It means everything to have a GitHub account with projects and correct commit messages, code formatted correctly and so on.
    Good luck and stop stressing, you need a job but not as much as companies need good engineers (i would know i have one)
  • 1
    @Sooshi You will be delighted to hear about September Surge. It may be happening now.
  • 0
    @coldfire Can confirm the September surge thing. I've been seeing more open roles now compared to a few months ago.
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