
Terry fucking Davis, because of course he is!

  • 1
    Do you think it was a suicide or accident? I've watched everything of him
  • 1
    @retoor neither is applicable to a schizophrenic person, unfortunately. Because one (including the person themselves) can’t distinguish between one’s conscious decision and disorderly behavior during an episode, you can’t really define accident. Same goes for suicide. Even if he did technically kill himself, we’ll never know who it was — he or his disorder.
    Nevertheless, I consider him a genius, and he will forever be my role model.
  • 2
    @retoor yeah undoubtedly the CIA, he was too close to discovering the hidden truth about God lol
  • 0
    @kiki people be like “eww mark fuckerburg or Elon Muskyass I hate those idiots they should die”

    But then also be like, “omg some homeless schizophrenic guy who created a religious OS and calls random people n words and various slurs. He’s daddy 🤤😩💦”

    Also, RIP terry
  • 0
    Amen, brother!
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