
In the story of adam and eve, when eve bit the apple, all of evil and chaos has entered the world

Fast forward today, the phone we use every day has an apple logo on it, and its even a bitten apple

The way how we hold this phone with two hands, almost like "πŸ™" prayer symbol, is actually a symbol of prayer, but prayer to the bitten apple, which is the devil

Coincidence or programming?

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    Today in Schwurblernews (tinfoil hat news, though an inaccurate translation)
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    Technically the story never mentions any apples.
  • 1
    @electrineer πŸ‘€ oh eve sucked on some apples alright, they were just attached to Adam πŸ˜‚
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    Tots and pears πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™
  • 2
    This is the funniest shit I’ve read in a long time πŸ˜‚
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    @electrineer geographically, it was probably a pomegranate
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    @ostream Isn't that a great source of iron which gives you more energy and focus. So higher productivity :D
  • 3
    The praying hands πŸ™ look like a triangle πŸ”Ί.
    Which leads us to the pyramids. And the pyramids were built by aliens. This can only mean that Apple is operated by aliens. Steve Jobs just went back home to his family on Alpha Centauri. It all makes sense now.
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    I'm pretty sure the bitten apple is a reference to the tree of knowledge, but that's about it.
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    Correct. The fruit phone is evil
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    I checked, the apple is a reference to Newton.
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    @lorentz So is it the same apple ?

    Was Newton also under the tree of knowledge ?
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    @lorentz the apple is bitten. That means it has more reference to adam and eve than to newton. A bitten apple hasnt fallen on newton's head
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    @ostream pōmīvore?
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