
I felt so guilty at the age of thirteen realizing something is wrong with me, and I, in fact, want to be a girl.

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    What's wrong with those LGBT people...? I don't mind them living their lives, minding their own business, not getting in my way. But every now and then they feel like they **MUST** metaphorically rub their hoohoos and weewees in our faces, to make sure they know that we know. Posts in soc media, these "pride" demonstrations, etc.

    I mean, what's that about?
    I don't despise you because you are ++ or --. I despise you for how you behave. I'd equally feel about a group of people who *must* rub in my face their choice of socks. I equally feel about @b2plane and his shit fetish.

    If you made a choice - fine. You live with it. Don't make your choice a part of my life. GTFO my face FFS
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    @netikras no need to get aggressive my guy.

    Kiki I would say you're losing your weird vibe a little these days, come on be weird be mysterious like before. We like you weirding us out.
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    @netikras they need constant validation in a social-wide scale, otherwise they might think they are wrong. I could go in depth with my armchair psychoanalysis but it would offend many despite not being their problem lol
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    @kiki Pics or it didn't happen
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    To quote you back:

    You despise me because I post shit on the internet, you fragile little bitch? Get a life retard

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    @coldfire wants to see some trans dick fueled on HRT.

    Ah, kids these days man.
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    @netikras "you don't mind them living their lives as long as you don't have to see them" then you do mind them living their lives. Why should they hide? Besides, being seen reduces prejudice. Being invisible increases it.
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    @atheist not speaking for netikras, but I think you misunderatood. It's not that they should hide, It's that they are annoying with constantly throwing it in our face. I don't talk about my sexuality all the time, there's forums for that kind of stuff. But all the pride marches, all the ads, all the pride months, the constant memes, the openly gay characters in every tv show, the everyone constantly tiptoe-ing around them on YouTube, even billboards... It's just being bashed into our faces like a hammer over and over again.

    Imagine that one vegan or Arch friend that constantly talks about that one specific thing non-stop all day everyday, everywhere and loudly, but scale it to a global level

    They are more like a walking brainwashing agenda from soviet russia than they are people. The crux of the issue is that there are gay people and then there are GAY PEOPLE. And the latter is annoying as fuck. Not all that far off from what b2plane is doing with his toilet jokes
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    @SidTheITGuy How about you borrow some pennies and go back to school, so you can about learn sense of humor. Or maybe trying reading a couple of times more, since you take time to understand things.
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    @coldfire Unreal. So you deleted the previous comment u made about me and then came back and posted another comment 40 MINUTES later?

    Holy shit, I never imagined the limits of my power but I saw it today. I don't even have to say anything else in clapback to you kiddo, I got what I needed.

    Btw it's fine bro, we don't kink-shame here. You're interested in an HRT-fueled trans dick, that's fine its your sexuality. Chill and live your life bro.
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    @SidTheITGuy Yeah right, someone has fucked your brain really bad, so much delusion in your head to think of all this nonsense about having any power. It surprises me how you can think of all this nonsense and not understand a simple joke. I hope you get well soon. I know you will reply back, cause your trashy mouth has no lid but please be sensible atleast.
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    @ostream Oh please, this dumbass just wants to prove he is smart, so he picks up senseless brawls and gets his ass whopped. You yourself have done it a couple of times, dont tell me it isn't fun to rub his face in shit.
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    @netikras i will wrap with you with my shit ๐Ÿ’ฉlike a snake ๐Ÿ u cant escape ๐Ÿ’ฉ because ๐Ÿ’ฉis all over the place and especially in corporate world ๐Ÿ’ฉis everywhere you turn your head to look at
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    @netikras also recruiters and companies dump their shit on me by interviewing me just to waste my time and not hire me or ghost me. I then have to further dump this bullshit onto someone else. I double it and give it to you guys
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    @netikras What are you talking about? She made a post on devRant, she didn't stand in the middle of a town square and scream: "I'm a girl, RESPECT ME!!!"
    Sure, I hate when they do their sexual shit in schools or try to influence kids to take chemicals that affect puberty, or that pride month thingy(And I'll tell you a secret, lots of LGBT people equally hate pride month). This post is none of that... It's just sharing personal stuff on a website with friends... How is that different from any other !dev post?

    She isn't standing in your door frame of your house and specifically showing YOU anything, or spamming LGBT stuff in every post of yours, she's sharing it in a platform to everybody, nobody shoving anything in YOUR face. You may not agree with her, I don't agree with her either, but she she isn't saying anything that attacks anybody, she isn't saying anything racist, she isn't being sexist or anything...
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    @kiki Also just for the record so people don't try to assume if I'm a 'leftard' or a 'rightard' (Huh, never noticed, how convinient for both words to end on a 't')

    No, I don't particularly like the story behind the post and I think what happened to you is unfortunate, and that's not a political opinion, since both left and right agree that gender dysphoria(or whatever it is that's happening) is not a fun thing to deal with, they just don't agree on a solution.
    But my personal opinion is that the choice to switch to a girl is not a good solution. Now, does my personal opinion relevant to you? Not in slightest, I'm only expressing it for the people who were already ready to type "oh nyo another libtard".

    Other than that, I found the picture funny, the post is tagged joke/meme, so I'd say it's appropriate. Picture tagged #joke/meme made me laugh: Yep, that's a joke/meme.
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    The absolute state of the mentally derailed people bashing LGBT for a fucking meme
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    Remember when this site was about programming?
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    @kiki keep posting trans stuff. It brings out the weirdos
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    @kiki keep on posting stuff. Brings out all the self righteous moralizers
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    @netikras what's wrong with you homophobe? i don't care what you like or not, but please shut the fuck up about it in public - you do not have a need to speak out because you aren't systematically persecuted in multiple countries because you're what you consider "normal"
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    @tosensei neither do you. Did I hurt your feelings?
    Look up the term 'homophobe' before using it.
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    @netikras nah. no feelings to be hurt. i'm rather amused.

    also: i think it's a pretty fitting use of the term, because your whole post reads as "i'm no homophobe, _but...._"

    which is almost exclusively used by closeted homophobes.

    also, there definitely exists a fundamental misunderstanding on your side that technically disqualifies _any and all_ of your arguments.. to quote: "you made a choice" - dude. it's not a choice. just like falling in love, getting diarrhea, or having blue eyes.

    but it is _your_ choice to tell people you despise them because they are talking about _what they are_ - and that choice is, indeed, despicable.
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    Problem with this type debate is that most people participating in it lack any type of nuance.
    Is there no middle ground? Can’t someone respect/tolerate LGBTQIA+ people, yet be annoyed by the constant "in-your-face" demonstrations of pride?
    I personally get annoyed with people talking about their sexuality all the time whether they’re straight or not.
    I honestly don’t care where your dick goes, just fucking keep those matters to yourself.
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    @black-kite spot on. Unfortunately, some people struggle to understand that. To them, it's either you praise lgbts' gayiness, nearly worship and celebrate it, or you're a homophobe. No other options are available.

    If you don't celebrate gays - you're a homophobe.
    But if you don't celebrate people not wearing socks, then somehow you're not a bare-feet-o-phobe... What gives...

    Fucking hypersensitised snowflakes searching for an oppurtunity to call others names, pretending to be better than everyone else, the saviours and protectors noone asked for, noone needs.
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    @Hazarth "all the pride marches" there's like, 1 a year. That's not throwing it in your face. Major cities, there's a march for all sorts of things.

    And, openly gay characters, see my previous point. If you're gonna tell me they should hide when I'm betting the same show has plenty of straight people hooking up... Then I have a bridge to sell you.

    Hetero representation is ever present. Why shouldn't the minority be seen every now and then?
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    Yeah, I blame mostly ostream for it.
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    Aaaaand this is why i stopped supporting devrant after 6 years +
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    Somebody get the pills out of this guy
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    @netikras straight people have been rubbing their whohoos in everyone's face for centuries - don't yet upset when you suddenly see a minority do it
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    @MammaNeedHummus (please regard this comment as 100 upvotes just for you)
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