
yesterday I had to use a Windows VM.

Took me less than 5 minutes to remember why I'm no longer using it.

- I'm doing nothing; CPU is at 100%
- Laggy AF
- Windows Updates not only download, but also install themselves and restart my OS automatically
- right after restart it starts downloading and installing another set of updates (restarted my PC while I was away, I come back - all my work is gone. And this dumbass Windows has a popup "I want to install more updates. When should I restart?")

ooohhh the horrors

  • 3
    Turn off networking?

    I hate VMs btw. VirtualBox is a POS now.
  • 2
    @Demolishun but I needed networking... To run a client's app that only works on windows :(

    and it's not on a VBox. It was on libvirt/qemu
  • 0
    @netikras @dontbeevil you both never press save is the issue
  • 1
    There's some quirks, but with LTSC and virtio drivers it's not thaaat bad.

    I even run a win10pro VM in Proxmox (qemu/kvm) that was previously a bare metal install (converted with disk2vhd), which is working okay-ish.. (It's still as fucked as before but not worse)
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