
Bro I fucking hate Flutter and android studio. I have just started android development and oh my god the bunch of errors i’m getting is crazy af. Like I don’t get one point, flutter was created by google and android studio was also created by google… then why tf they don’t focus on normalizing the development process. Why so many errors ???????? And no easy fix for it like whyyyyyyyyyyy?????

Anyways sorry for the rant but there’s more to it. I just built a fuckin app which was running fine in my AVD and then when I sent it to my friend he was seeing a grayed out screen and then I searched for the error and then I was like bruh, I was sitting for sooo long building the first app of my life and here we are. My app can’t even run on someone else’s phone because of a fuckin gray screen error (i’ll fix it tomorrow)

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    Try Fluffer, its a better replacement.
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    @Demolishun wth is fluffer now 💀
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    Android Studio was primarily built for Native Android development not for flutter. Familiarize yourself with the use of Vscode + Terminal. Thank me later.
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    Took me 5 hours to upgrade an app from last year's API to version 32 or whatever it was forced to be back in Augustish. Having to update the versions of three or four Android studio things that I have no clue about what they do or why they aren't working after updating. No idea why it can't just be a single fucking install instead of this gradle, API version, flutter, half a dozen config files shit.

    I'm not a mobile app developer so I'm sure this all makes sense to people who do this often. But I literally only touch it once a year to upgrade the API version.
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    @Shardj I conpletely agree with you bro 😭😭
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    @GiddyNaya I tried VS code as well but it’s worse than Android Studio… also some of the features such as wrapping a widget from the context menu option or adding padding to a widget…. These options are not available on a right click in VS Code. That’s the reason i’m using Android Studio.
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    My guess would be that Flutter was someone's trampoline into management and since they're no longer a dev it instantly slowed down. Google's method of promoting people hurts their products in two ways.
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    @lorentz sooo trueee
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    @GiddyNaya Got to disagree. I'm using Android Studio with Flutter while my colleague uses VSCode. The number of things he can't do (launch on a physical device / emulator with ease, various refactoring options, Flutter related operations without having to use the terminal…) with it is ridiculous
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    @lorentz Not with the sheer amount of versions they're releasing these days. Comforted me in my idea Google really has the focus and speed of a squirrel on coke
    And if the remark was applied solely to the dynamic with the IDE, it really isn't that terrible
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