
Are these people fucking insane? This is supposed to be a devops position and half of the requirements are related to system administrator position or am i insane??

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    More system administrator requirements for a DEVOPS position
  • 5
    Isn't that kinda reasonable for a DevOps person? Knowing how to administer the infrastructure they're going to be working against?
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    @ScriptCoded no it's not. Someone else should set that shit up for me to work my devops on. I am NOT going to work for a devops salary while working 2 positions at once
  • 1
    @b2plane so, umm, what's a devOps role then?
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    This is what devops does.
  • 3
    @b2plane this last screenshot contains a very superficial devops role description.

    A devops should be a jack of all traits. Ruler of all, master of none
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    @netikras what does system administrator do?
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    @netikras its not superficial. Its a real devops description i was given by a new york company. I didnt make that shit up. Thats what real devops is
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    @b2plane so what makes that job description more real than the first one?
  • 5
    @b2plane no, buddy. A devops is a know-it-all-do-it-all kind of an engineer. Competent in every aspect of the system [except maybe development]. That means: automation, networking, server mgmt, ci/cd, dba, tools [setup, admin and use], docs, processes' establishment, im/cm/pm/am procedures' estab., comms/escalation chann estab., etc.

    A SA, DBA, NA - they have less broad and much deeper knowledge of their domains. A devops has less deep, but as wide as is needed for the project knowledge and capability to establish, maintain, troubleshoot and consult on the matters.

    This cloud devops role is what it is bcz their stack is prolly very tiny.

    As a devops you have to be the GLUE for all the teams - someone who knows his way around in every domain and if needed could cover for any engineer in any of the teams [not actually; just for comparison of the skill needed for the role]
  • 4
    Yeah, that is a completely reasonable set of requirements. I worked devops and you have to know how to code (development part) but then also how to get on servers and where those servers are located, how to setup or fix a database, how to deploy a new virtual machine, preferably also to set up a docker for your project too. How to debug common server and VM problems, how to navigate systems like NASes or VM platforms like Proxmox. Naturally you want to understand how your GIT and pipelines are setup whether it's Jenkins, Azure pipelines or other. You also want to understand where your dependencies and images are located, so Understanding and knowing how to manage Nexus or Artifactory is sometimes essential. You should ideally also at least somewhat understand all tech that's being used in the project you're working on, which means stuff like specific AWS stuff, lucene, elasticsearch, FTP and SMB... dunno many more.
  • 3
    I mean you can't really complain about working 2 positions when you look for a DevOps position, considering that DevOps *is* two positions in one... it's in the name.. Developer Operations.

    Anyway, devops got created because doing *just* development is limiting as fuck... can't even count the amount of times I needed my DBs updated, or permissions granted somewhere and the actual operations guys took a whole day to do it... much more efficient and less frustrating to just understand it and do it yourself. I enjoy devops ran projects much more...

    also I still take issue with employers having "devops" positions... If you check out the actual original definition of devops it's not a position, but a project management technique... you can be a normal developer and still work on a devops project and then switch to a different one where operations is a separate role all within one company... but it's not getting better so I guess I'll just live with that
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    @Hazarth @netikras if i knew all of that why the FUCK would i accept to work any job? I could build my own million or billion dollar software and get rich. Fuck anyone who requires all of that knowledge for probably a SHIT salary. Even 10,000$ a month is a SHIT salary for all that required knowledge. I would demand to get paid at least 10 million dollars a year for such requirements. Anyone who requires all that and call it devops can either pay me millions or fuck right off the bat
  • 1
    @b2plane well, when you have this knowledge it's not that difficult to help _them_.

    Sure, I could start my own company. But I think I like playing around with the techy stuff more than dealing with business things. I'd rather have my employer take care of it all while I'm having a good time with devops stuff
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    @netikras good! Then lets work together on our own company instead of some shitstick company who doesnt care about you. I handle the business side and you be the CTO if you have all that humongous techlord knowledge
  • 2
    Setting up and administering servers comes under operations. Writing and deploying code comes under development. DevOps is literally the amalgamation between those roles. I see nothing wrong here.

    There are some ridiculous job requirements out there, but I couldn't pick issue with this one.
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    @AlmondSauce compare screenshot 1 & 2 with screenshot 3
  • 3
    @b2plane Ah, you sweet sweet summer child
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    @b2plane because dealing with customers and business people in general is horrible and a small taste of hell
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    @Hazarth @ars1 @AlmondSauce @netikras fuckshits i was right! They are a STARTUP company! They dont know what the fuck they're doing! I saw the team on their website and all of them look like they're 18-24 years old! The CEO himself looks like hes 20! The fuck is this

    I saw most of them graduated from hulululu trash PRIVATE university for rich kids.

    I told the recruiter about their bullshit 2 in 1 position they require (the recruiter also graduated from the rich kids private university)

    He left me on seen for 24h

    He then replied today telling me their CEO wants to have a talk with me tomorrow😹😹😹😹
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