
ChatGPT is the less toxic, faster, smarter version of StackOverflow.

  • 1
    That tool is pure magic, it makes a lot of boring processes way faster.

    e.g. "Update X function written in this legacy language including a particular input case with the same expected output result."
  • 4
    I thought you were being sarcastic .....but no.
  • 0
    @SidTheITGuy it's an awesome search engine with pretty accurate results to not easy search terms.
  • 2
    @JS96 why do you sound like your account is run by ChatGPT itself?

    Be honest you're testing out an integration, aren't you
  • 0
    RIP copilot
  • 0
    @ostream it requires a person knowning how to code on the other side, which is not an issue, and can be very useful to save a lot of time.

    After more than a decade in coding, I am too lazy and don't have time to do some bs like:
    "Writing a parser to get the values from "a.b.c.d@e!fgh.jlm" formatted string."

    It's not difficult to do, it's just tedious, and a tool like ChatGPT can generate code for that in any language you want (including shitty VB6) in a sec.

    Why don't use it when you can?
    I have to do everything manually because "I am superior"?
  • 1
    @JS96 No you should strive to do everything yourselves, because the core of programming is about learning, and AI takes that away from you.
  • 0
    ChatGPT is more reliable than a lot of devs I've met. I hate hearing that excuse.

    It being unreliable is not a big issue. We already had that in people. What we didn't have is instant results.
  • 0
    @ostream no. If there anything like mine, there making arguments to support their poor design decisions that will result in an increased workload to maintain because of their ego.

    Give me the fake libraries any linter will flag automatically in a PR please and thanks.
  • 1
    @JS96 chatgpt is a good improvement to a search engine, but that's not what stackoverflow is. Stackoverflow is where the search engine should redirect you to.
  • 0
    It’s great for rewriting text.

    It’s also great for filling in general details, or some specifics. Just make sure to triple-check everything it tells you because it’s wrong 95% of the time, at least on anything logical or technical, anything that requires reasoning, etc.
  • 0
    @ostream wanna trade?
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