
Starting webdev journey
Any tips?

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    DON'T !! FUCK NO !! GOD NO !!! PLEASE DON'T !!! Run away and save yourselves while you still can.
  • 2
    Have a back up plan. AI will be writing most code, we just don't know how long we have. It could be in 4 years, it could be like cold fusion energy and be 30 years away forever.

    But have a backup plan to make money
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    @ostream Not anymore, though.
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    I am so sorry.
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    Abandon all hopes.
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    I can recommend this free app called sololearn which has its own xlang ide and u can chat and share code with the other devs including their devs. Also just keep doing tutorials on github and try different ides.
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    NGL, I came here to make a joke about web dev but looking at the comments, I don’t need to. Thanks devRant! 😆
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    Do whatever is fun to you
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