So I'm working on this prototype of indie game with two friends. Since we are only 3, I can't just stick to coding only... Problem is, I'm the only one realising that and I've ended up doing all the jobs that are missing... Texturing, a bit of modeling, organizing the whole team, shaders, animating and so on... And the two others just stick to their thing and are confident in the fact that I'll be able to handle all the problems. It pisses me off.
But I need the project to have some base experience, and alone, I would probably melt down under the stress. But every time a problem show up I'm basically alone, and my level of stress skyrocket... Not sure if I have the shoulders to finish it, but I have to. In fact I'm not even to the point of ranting anymore I'm just depressed >.>... At least when I'm working on the code and not the rest, I'm really enjoying myself.

Not sure if I should do something about it ._.

  • 3
    You should do something about it.
    Don't be depressed, act up. Tell them what you just said here and kick them out if they don't start helping you.

    You can always find people to collaborate with on websites like this.
    Worst case you can find a freelancer to help you.

    TL;DR your sanity is more important than working with them

    Good luck :P
  • 0
    @MatanRad I'll probably gonna drop this on the table at the next meeting. But continuing alone is going to be complicated. I'm not a people person, and have no budget to hire anyone (until I can't get something out of this prototype).
    But you're right, this cannot continue.
    And thanks, I'll need all the luck I can get 😊
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