
The Apollo Guidance Computer had RAM of 4KB, a 32KB hard disk. It was fairly compact for its time, measuring 23.5 in x 11.8 in x 5.9 in, but weighed around 33 lb.

The computing power of the entire federal government was less than an iPhone 4s when Apollo 11 landed on the moon.

Microwave ovens typically have more computing power than the Apollo.

Did they really landed or it was just scripted? Your views please

  • 9
    there's no discussion about "views".

    the guidance computer simply did not calculate the route. never did, never claimed to.

    it just executed the route that was calculated back on earth.

    as an analogy: you need a lot of processing power to render cinema-grade 3d animations, but only a miniscule amount in comparison to decode the video.
  • 2
    It was during cold war and they wanted to show off. All scripted
  • 1
    @Alexanderr you got it man, that is my actual doubt
  • 6
    @Alexanderr no retard, no.

    but the smart ones among us do.

    as for your spaceX-"argument": it's not a matter of technology. it's a matter of budget. and ROI. currently, there's no incentive for landing on the moon.

    back then, the budget was $AllTheMoneyTheUsGovtCouldPrint, and the incentive was the constant dick-measuring between east and west.
  • 6
    @tosensei don't worry, when they get to the moon again or mars, there will be nonbeleivers every time.

    it's just in the nature of smug fools to feel cool knowing that "they know something else no one else knows"

  • 0
    @fullstackcircus but dude 32kb is only 4,096 Characters. How?
  • 3
    If anyone interested here is apollo 11 missions code. https://github.com/chrislgarry/...
  • 1
    This thread is astroturfing 101
  • 2
    @rsharma9234 char is mostly 1 byte unless extended encoding(2 bytes or rarely 3 bytes).
  • 1
    @Alexanderr please don’t be serious…
  • 1
    @fullstackcircus and there 6 manned landings on the moon by USA. Some conspiracists are truly idiots that discredit true conspiracies(not all conspiracies are wrong imo)
  • 0
    @Alexanderr then please explain what incentive there is right now to spend billions to land on a dusty rock...

    or... the alternative seems not too bad, from my perspective. don't let me stop you.
  • 1
    @Alexanderr please, before you say anthing more, take up a dictionary and read the entry for "incentive", since you clearly lack the brainpower to keep the definition of a word in your memory besides all that racism you demonstrate in other posts.
  • 1
    @Alexanderr 16Gb is only 16777216 KB not whatever you said.

    A simple arduino Board has more RAM, ehich is mostly because of minification of components, CPU and RAM Chips for starters and the rest components get combined.

    So comparing a 16GB Mac book with the Apollo guidance computer is like comparing Apples to Oranges. Both have CPUs but very different architecture and purposes(Mac is general compute whereas Apollo guidance is only used for trajectory computation and execution).
  • 1
    @Alexanderr by the way: it's very indicative of your knowledge about space travel that the only point you're talking about is _computer memory_

    that's like someone saying "this car can't drive on the highway, because the radio only has AM"
  • 1
    @Alexanderr i couldn’t decide which one is stupider: you or ostream…
  • 1
    @Alexanderr how about you use your brain for once in your life yourself...
  • 1
    @aviophile @tosensei don't feed the trolls
  • 0
    @electrineer i'll feed it till it dies of a burst stomach.
  • 0
    @electrineer meh, trolling in devRant is so low level that I would pity feed him.
  • 0
    @Alexanderr hungry yet?
  • 0
    @Alexanderr dude, you haven't provided anything even resembling something similar to a "logical argument" yet.

    you're just spewing long disproven conspiracy theories and racism.
  • 0
    @Alexanderr you first.
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