
Although im starting a job in 2 weeks, i feel depressed already. I know what awaits me and I'll know even more what is yet to come. It's going to be hell. If it was a huge amount of money like 5-6k i would be less depressed. It would solve lots of problems. But its nowhere close to that

Tomorrow morning i have to go and sign the nda and other contracts. I really dont want to. This is not what i had planned. I planned to finish my project by the end of this year asap. Now i have to speedrun and finish the whole project ASAP before i officially start this job

Although im starting a job, i feel like a failure even more than not having a job. How is this possible and why is that? Why do i feel so bad to start working a job?

Knowing already that ill sign a 3 month contract, and knowing that I'll earn exactly $3900 in the next 3 months, is fucking pathetic in this economy

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    you are speed running your life lol. I'm only at this state after almost a decade in the industry.

    But it's not a bad perspective to have since you have motivation to get out of this
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    @iceb what do you mean
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    @jestdotty I mean realizing a job actually hinders you from your own project and you really just want to do your own project since the corporate work is no fun. And want to get out of it. But are also handcuffed by the money the job provides.
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    $1300 USD a month is not good enough pay for u ?

    I'm not trolling you. I thought u said u live in a third world country.
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    go easy on yourself!
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    @SidTheITGuy my $3000 shit fiat car broke down a few months ago. The engine died. So we had to buy a brand new engine and pay the mechanic. The new engine + rapirs costed about $4300. More than the shit car itself. What would i do in this situation with a $1300 salary? Even slaving for 3 months is not enough to fucking fix that

    Not to mention how i cant even buy a new iphone. I need to work 2 months to get it

    This salary is somewhat liveable and I'll admit that which is why i accepted to start slaving

    In a grant scheme of world what the fuck are you supposed to do with that salary. Its literally not enough to joyfully jump out of bed and happily go and slave for 1300 a month. Not enough and not worth it.

    If the bank who I'll work for paid me 1 million dollars a month they would lose 0.003% per year of their total net worth....

    I just hope to God these 3 painful months pass fast. Or better yet i finish my project within these 2 weeks and cancel the job asap
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    @SidTheITGuy imagine working for $8.125 an hour as a backend java + devops cloud engineer.


    If i tell this to anyone everyone would laugh at me for the shithole third world country that i live in. Beyond disrespectful
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    @b2plane Can u try to get multiple contracts? If this is a WFH kinda position, I can see it working.
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    Waw my first pay was like 800€ (close to minimum wage here)

    How much is minimum wage in india that $1300 is not enough?! Or did you mean ₹1300?
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    @SidTheITGuy first 30 days must work from office, after that i negotiated to work from home but 4 days a week, 1 day must work from office
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    @Hazarth 1300 euros to be exact.

    In serbia 1200 euros earn top 3% of people in the entire country

    2500 euros earn top 1% of people in the entire country

    This means im in top 3% for earning 15,600 euros a year

    Which is about 17,000 usd a year

    How do i ever afford a used 30k euros mercedes car with this pace?

    Not to mention the essentials such as food gas bills etc.
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    @b2plane well, you're not supposed to buy a 30k car in cash every year. You'd usually take a loan for a car and pay over the course of 5 years or so.

    We mid class "normal people" are not rich, by any stretch of the Imagination. That's just what the government wants everyone to think :(
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