
Apart from Windows 10, what are the other best Linux distros that I can use.

  • 8
    Apart from Internet explorer what are the other top browser that you guys can suggest?
  • 4
    TempleOs & w3m
  • 2
  • 14
    I suggest Windows 95 and Internet-Explorer 1
  • 5
    @theNox don't you think I should take small steps, because jumping from Windows 10 to 95 would be like studying for elementary and going for MBA examination?
  • 9
    @Aitkotw yeah you're right, go for Vista then
  • 1
    @Aitkotw imo there's nothing like good 'Ol Lynx
  • 2
    I'm just going to say it.... macos
  • 1
    Debian or Ubuntu or Fedora or CentOS or Arch Linux or.......and Chrome browser doesn't lag or sttutur (on linux that is)
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