client: the math on this investment calculator you made is wrong.

me: ok, how is it wrong?

client: one of our salesmen sais it not calculating correctly.

me: that's fine. i just need an example, or the corrected formula to use.

client: on this other website we put in the same information and it comes out different.

me: ok, let me investigate... this other site adds a fee every month so the output is different. If i turn that off the calculations are the same. would you like to add a monthly fee field?

clients: no, the calculator is working how we want then.

repeat 5 times at 3 month intervals.

client: the interest calculator is broken again. didn't we just fix it?

me: it was never broken. your people just can't math.

  • 8
    oh man story of my life!!!! where i currently work the CSR used to call me every 2month with the same panic call and I'd tell her the same explanation, she like oh yeah that makes sense. rince and repeat
  • 3
    Goddamn clients, they never learn.
  • 3
    @kalibbala Never have, never will...
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