
Some long thoughts about state of desktop operating systems.

I always hated window management on desktop. There is basically no difference in usability between mobile and desktop in terms of application management. There is still finite amount of apps you can have in focus and you need to switch between them so they’re left from your screen.

What you end up is finite amount of screens you can connect into your computer or pounding switch context shortcut every other second.

We pushed computing so far and screen resolutions doubled from 1024x768 but the active desktop size is still the same.

For me adding additional display to laptop is not an option. What I love with remote work is that I can lay in my bed or on sofa or wherever I want to and write some code. My point is I don’t want to be stuck to my desk if I want to write / debug something.

Back to the desktop I think there is missing part of our state of desktop right now. The most we have are virtual desktops we can switch between but we can’t get parts of two desktops on same screen.

What I would love to test / develop is smooth infinite desktop with pinch and zoom - drag and drop navigation between my apps.

The problematic thing is determination of where user want’s to focus - is it fullscreen app or multiple apps on same screen and how to handle partially visible windows.

But I would love to test it. Maybe one day I switch to linux desktop just to try to implement the infinite desktop as an alternative to virtual desktops.

Maybe some rich frustrated kid would make it someday while I’m stuck at working my shit ass to pay for being able to have a decent life on this fucking planet…
I wish I can retire to focus on such things.

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    Linux workspaces on hotkeys and tiling ability

    I don't think mobile is any way comparable to the desktop window environment. I can't have two big windows open at once or several command line prompts on one workspace and then switch quickly to other workspaces as I do many things at once

    also mobile has a lot of background process problems. notably how YouTube literally busted up their already working feature and put in their parent company's (Google) app store EULA that YouTube background play is illegal in all apps. and then they sold ya YouTube red

    other apps without meaning to also fuck up background apps pretty frequently

    android does have split screen so you can have two apps open but the screen real estate is not good enough, and Android animations are frankly slow even with developer animation speed tweaks

    my bigger issue with phones is you can't code on them -- nevermind the typing speed, quite literally phone keyboards have no ability to add the tab character
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    you might be one of the people, who might enjoy that VR Window Manager on Linux.

    I think it's called SimulaVR
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